2024-2025 Whitefish Bay Middle School PTO Leadership Team

Interested in getting involved? Email wfbmiddleschoolpto@gmail.com



Executive Board

President: Susan Stadtmueller


Vice President: Abby Williams


Secretary: Kathleen Reid


Co-Treasurers: Erin Grey & Amy Mulcahy


non-executive board MembeRs

Communications: Susan Stadtmueller & Abby Williams


Membership: Susan Stadtmueller


student enrichment

6th Grade Book Tastings


6th Grade Social: Tricia Oksiuta


7th Grade Camp Chair: Abby Williams


8th Grade Promotion: Mary Kathryn Malaney, Allison Wagner, & Meghan Posnanski


Bay Social Night: Christine McBride


Forward Testing Snacks: Lynn Lange



Ways and means  

Holiday Boutique: Kristy Afdahl, Jenny Fisher, Claire Troyer, & Christine Drzadinski 




Beautification: Susan Stadtmueller


Whitefish Bay High School Scholarship: Kendra Mahoney



Conference Week Meals and Stock the Lounge: Allison Roth & Chrissy Tigrani


Staff Appreciation Week:  Hilary James & Andrea Robertson


Welcome Events: Deb Grayeski & Danielle Beer